whitepigeon foreverly

driver ate

When your car makes normal-bad car sounds, like "whirr whirr" or "pop pop," there is reasonable cause for concern, right? Well, know what makes it all worser? Add a consonant. Like, "whirrk whirrk" or "pzop pzop." That's what I'm dealing with currently. Which means I'm flucked.

Also, because I am a Lost Angeleno and have every right to babble about cars and traffik and what-not (the same way New Yorkers get to talk obsessively about lofts and subways, and San Franciscans get to talk about...hummus?), I demand that people stop driving so scarily, as they have been here for nigh on like 2 weeks now. Now, let us clarify: I love that we in the fair City of (Tail)Lights know how to be aggro, smooth, fasty and smart when it comes to driving, and I truly believe this is a city chockablock full of experientially-honed, trained, sinewy brilliant driverpeople who know all 44 major highways and the 112 corresponding byways by-heart. BUT, I've seen so many near-collisions (and a near-death this eve) and blind swerves and just general Dumb Bad Driving, all light-running and nearly-smashing-toddlers, that I'm getting very concerned. Shape up L.A., or I'll key the hell out of your damn doors. All 8 million of them.

fell on 2004-03-30 at 8:47 p.m.

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hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

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