whitepigeon foreverly

woolf oof

I should be doing class writing write (yaha!) now. It's an "Imitation" exercise (of Christ, as in the good Psych Furs song and not the NY designer/"re-imaginer of old ideas" clothing label), but instead of just going with the good soily earth and its flow, I'm all bubblegum-on-sneaker-sole about it. Like, does every Woolf word have the right meaning in its bone marrow, and how many commas do I get for the Woolf content dollar, and how long can my sentences be this long or not at all and what will you even do about it besides stop reading go ahead I dare you ha still here aren't you whoosh whoosh and it's not a good idea to be all vulnerable like this because watch out I might take your bike and oh hi mom I forgot you read this sometimes never.

The assignment's about Virginia Woolf. Did you guess that from the Context Clues? You're smart that way. Should I just turn in the above for triple A+++ action?

ALSO, sorry about that last entry and the trampoline lyrics, all silly alterna-music neuf circa 1988 with a BA from Smith. Hey, the thing with the songmaking band that makes sense imitatorially (I just realized) is we get (ok, got, as it's like 2 decades away from their pop-birth) a little poet tribute/reverie/mimicry with both their band name and some of the lyrical stuffs (kinda like that thing I'm supposed to have Woolf-wrote) -and- another nod, eversogentle and eversoliberalartsradiostation, to the life and werk of Tom Verlaine of Television, too. Circle of life!, and now, circle of shut up.

fell on 2004-03-21 at 11:36 p.m.

<< o >>

hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
