whitepigeon foreverly


--Interview with Me, by Me, Part III--

Me: BOO! Guess who!
Me: (giant sigh) Well, I wonder.
Me: A champion song, that one. HI! It's my sprummer break.
M: When isn't it?
M: You said almost the exact same thing last time!
M: Fine, tell me about all of your jaw-slackening plans.
M: Hmmm. Know what? There's not a heap-ton to report.
M: ?!?!... So why are you writing this?
M: I love anniversaries. Actually, I did see two iridescent lizards bite-fighting yesterday, and I've got a little wrinkle near my upper lip (from sleeping like a brickbaby). Also, my mom and brother are on an island in the West Indies.
M: Isn't that very $pecial.
M: My mom work-earned the trip, snarker.
M: Will you be traveling, wilbury?
M: Ha. I'll try crawling up the coast to hang out with a few pretty women, and I'm going south to stroke a bobcat's soft ears (I'm guessing they're soft).
M: What else?
M: Spring semester's professing was so solid; able minds and fine work. Now, there are books for reading and other books for editing. I'm helping my friend Dr. JMyB with a Fall '07 course on "Comics and Conflict" (we're thinking aggrieved apathy + the visual representation of values-death). I may also get to do my own teen-girl-related series through a new publishing co./pyramid scheme...
M: That's the cream.
M: Could be! But I don't want to jinx it up/out/away, you know? Much of it depends on other people. Plus, I have a lot of Riesen gnawing, E loving (the man, not the drug) and brassy warbling to get done, too. Toot-toot, etc.


M: Is that you?
M: (eyeroll) Like you don't know. I have a much nicer rack.
M: ...
M: I do.
M: Fine, you do. Let's wrap it up now.
M: What, my rack? Like in Shakespeare in Love?
M: Whatever. Yes?

FIN (Again)!

fell on 2007-05-01 at 8:59 a.m.

<< o >>

hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
