whitepigeon foreverly

ranger ick

!PARK LIFE! Newsletter (Snoozeletter), Vol. 1, Issue 1 of 1!

(NOTE: go ahead and cue up the seminal disc that knights my missive, if you can sit-stand it. I think Blur aged the least well of all the Brit Pop buskers. Too "elbow to the chin" and full of a mock-cheeky that grates, plus...hey, why did you go to the kitchen? Come back!)

((SECOND NOTE: Sorry, but I wanted a park-y graphic of a raccoon and a little frog playing leapfrog but I couldn't find/make one. Animals playing games = ? + !))


Finally!...Foul Balls from Today's Walk

* Misread a park entrance banner, per usual: LACY TEEN EXCURSIONS = LAC(E)Y TEEN EXECUTIONS (Lacy is the place's name. Can I be jailed for thinking this taut, (shiv)ery bit of wow?!)

* 1st Prize for Horribles = walking by an old, skinny man riding a bike, I thought, "Oh, he might be post-cancer. I hope he's strong enough to pedal." My rude daydream then led my face straight into the goopy cradle of a spiderweb. No, I'm not going to talk about that No Doubt song (well, not more). But my tangled brain did shoot out a threadlette to memories of Once Bitten. (...and to bring it all full-cycle, the theme song was by 3-Speed)

* I "park"ed behind these gold-wristwatched suburban daddies who were yabbing and making fun of the maintenance guys (probably); they hadn't moved an inch when I got back to my car. I mentally vibed them and wished flatness 'pon their unused soccer ball.

fell on 2006-06-27 at 8:55 p.m.

<< o >>

hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
