whitepigeon foreverly

sautee day

You could do far worse than to rim your residential margarita glass with the salt of apprentice chefs; several of the state's (nation's ?) most dapper-dan culinary schools have hubs here, not 2 blocks from my bunk at the yacht club. At 2pm daily, a bunch of 29-year-olds in paper top hats take to the street for smoke breaks/cell fone snarling to lovers. You routinely hear things like "you can't flash-heat raspberries in a copper skillet, asshole" and "she'll never make it to sauces" and you smell...you smell industrial bleach, cloves, egg batter, burning leaves from the yard dads. You want to hump the air.

The USPS postal clerk lady today pretended to take her invisible hammer to a package I'd written FRAGILE LIKE THE MOON! all over.

Check out what a great onliner said, w/r/t Diet Coke and the like: "i dont drink it because i dont like carbonation (basically because its unnatural and kind of gross) but it has zero calories, so except for science it's not really anything."

Waiter, one can of science, please.

fell on 2004-12-01 at 5:52 p.m.

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hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
