whitepigeon foreverly


I saw Material Issue open for INXS 10+ years ago. Both bands, incidentally, have suicided lead singers. M.I. also had a feud with the local radio station deejays. SO, speaking of the issuing of material, this Christmas X-Massive spoiled and boiled me. Here's a sampling. And songs:

*first butterfly net! pink and bamboo. My song for it = Moose, "Butterfly Collector"

*NIGHTVISION goggles which are not infrared but include a suction-cup dart launcher. Song = Blancmange, "Blind Vision"

*a cake that's a candle on a porcelain plate. Song = Ian McCullough and Miss Frazier, "Candleland"

*a cake that's a cake on a plastic plate. (NOTE 12/29: now eaten and gone). Song = Crowded House, "Chocolate Cake" followed by The Fall, "Eat Y'self Fitter"

*real adultness I cannot talk about or it's a big brag, including precious metal, legal tender, illegal tender, tender golden chocolate tender and circuits. Song = Material Issue, "Diane"

*Flesh for LULU dvd and CKY/Haggard dvd and My So-Called Life dvd(s)...I didn't know I had a dvd hole in me. Aim, for I'm now a target market. And since it's in a key episode of MSCL, song = Buffalo Tom, "Late At Night"

This taste test is all from darlingest friends who had NO CLUES GIVEN. Dude(s), enough, or I'm going to be so thang'ed out. Stocking be stuffed.

fell on 2003-12-25 at 5:32 p.m.

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hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
