whitepigeon foreverly

guest scribe: paul relph, age 8

Fly fly

by Paul Relph

February 2004

Once upon a time there was a house, which was in a merry town. But one thing was mysterious. It was something about the trash can. In the night, people see a light coming from the trash can. This was a house.

Inside, two flies lived. Once, a baby fly was born. Two days later his parents were killed by the dreaded fly-swatter. He was heart-broken but he was brave; he was not a superhero, but he did it. He packed up money, clothes, and a pair of hand-made antennae warmers. He went outside then buzzed off, BZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

He payed for his room at the Innvertebrates Inn and then dozed off to sleep. In the morning, he went to a friend's house, Cattipii. He stayed at his house for two weeks. He went to Insect Academy, where he learned to read and write and learned math. He went to the store then to his house. He did this weekly. Now people sometimes find a little house in Paul's trash can.

This happened in Bayport.

fell on 2004-07-12 at 10:30 p.m.

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