whitepigeon foreverly

black lung holla

Free Proclamations for Things and Places Who Have Not Asked For As Much From Me But Who May Enjoy Use of My Labors, No Charge.

-For a Pasadena Presbyterian church newsletter feature on, say, the projected growth potential for K-8th (say "Kay Through Eighth" right now...it's a universe of children rolling off your tongue holding hands over a rainbow on a mural by a playground of LOVE) Sunday school enrollment:

Pas Pres and Future

-A band name for a bunch of these school kids, if they need one:

The Minimum Days

-The only thing I could think to shout when I snuck up on stage in a gargantumous empty auditorium at the Forest Lawn Cemetary to stand behind the podium and have a "i'm making a funny speech in a big empty place!" picture taken:

"You are my people! You are MY people...! Did you take it? PEOOOPLE!"

Apparently, my "people" are all very dead. See also: undead, undead, undead.

-Shouted (same day. I had a bad case of the shrills.) from the window of a white Ford Taurus at people outside markets and liquor stores on east Sunset and Hollywood Boulevards, mainly:


You try screaming x's, junior-smalls. Her concert laid a huge black fishnet on anyone Hot Topic has hired, ever, and they came out in full inky force. We are her Sioux warriors.

fell on 2002-08-13 at 3:29 p.m.

<< o >>

hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

tea tree tears - 2019-12-21
yearwatermark - 2019-12-04
Sheetspeare - 2017-08-20
other (v)rooms - 2017-08-10
b.a. part II - 2017-05-25

some friendly
