whitepigeon foreverly

buyer's remorsels

I keep writing about music in my diary, but I can do that. I found myself shopping for some new musics tonight, because I have just about no recreationally-targeted money and it's a treat to shop when you're unmoneyed...it makes your choices that much more honed/necessary (Very Necessary, if you like salt with your pepa), right? No, no.

Always, always, I 'find' myself cd shopping instead of something maybe like 'I decided to go cd shopping' or 'I made a budget and a nice cute list and hired a sitter for the twins and went cd shopping on purpose'...I'm accidentally in music stores all of the time, and accidentally holding shiny things I guess I left the house for. Everyone impulse buys. I ?buy? "Here's my warped orange bank card? Put the receipt in the bag, thank you?"

When I'm po', I don't buy smart. I buy frazzled and consternated, and I buy like it's the antidote to poverty boredom. At my worst, I buy like there's someone invisible looking over my hunched shoulder, finger-waggling and egging me on with my picks. "Is it good...nay, nay, PRUdent...to get live versions of stuff I don't have just regularly yet?" "But what are the b-sides...wait, do I like b-sides?!" "What is an extended trance dub Team Club Tropix remix?"

As unexpected and surprise-like as it all gets, I don't grab plastic jewel boxes (or Jewel boxes) and start wilding and sputtering foamily in the store aisles while lobbing my sweat-gummed treasures onto the cashier's lap. I take my time like a lil' old fogey, and I do put some stuff back. But the putting-back is even worse, just pitiful, and so sadly patterned. On any trip, I am probably going to lift and then replace:

-Squeeze...a full-length album with the guys lounging 'n' loafing on the cover goes in my hand and then out again. But the singles collection's a great no-brainer and fine anytime you want to get it I think, and no don't be a snob about just getting the singles cd; I won't tell on you, and they won't feel bad. They are probably very proud of those songs. Also, Squeeze crowd the used section of lots of shops (so I'm always Tempted), along with the rest of the '80s and '90s S-Club: Matthew Sweet, The Smithereens, and sometimes Sugar. Rent money for the 25-plus set.

-Tangerine Dream. This is so embarrassing. I know nothing about them except that they did the soundtrack to Legend. Are they Rush-y? I loved that movie as a nugg, especially the Devil with the fat, fat horns like a black Angus. And Mia Sara was in it. But Tangerine Dream...they seemed like one of those bands that tho I might not be knowing of their style, I should at least get familiar because maybe they're great. But we've still never met. And do I ever love a tangerine!

This reminds me of the other 'dream' band I got skittish about, and tried. Dream Theater. They are bad. Rush fans like Dream Theater. "I can totally make out the ghost timpani loop on Track 5...they must have done that in post-production." I knew a nice person once at work, and thought the world of him when we swapped our cds like little gigglepots. Then he sprung the Theater on me. I KNEW a nice person once.

-dingy compilation CDs, usually earmarked between 1989 and 1997. I'll see someone like The La's or Whitetown on the rundown, get a vague-nice quick nostalgia bubble (a dorm room and noodles; The Wherehouse in Malibu) and then get my wits again and put it back. It's worse when I actually pick things like the Details (magazine) Essentials Vol. 6 or Uncut's Monthly Picks. These were FREE for someone with their magazine.

Today, after bulging baggy met shaky hand, I'm definitely broker. I'm still feeling things out, but I like what I got today. So I'm ok, I guess. For this week.

fell on 2001-03-30 at 986079564

<< o >>

hunting hi/lo

way old

last five to fall

Grishko & Co. - 2022-12-23
badfellows - 2022-12-02
work 4 love - 2022-10-26
week that was - 2022-10-02
Whitsett and I - 2022-09-30

some friendly
